A Psychological Thriller and its concept spiked the interest of Brooklyn artists Jamie Dwyer and Justin Ulloa (Electric Wonder Creative), who produced an original animated short film under the same title. Inspired by White Widow's music, the film is a fantastical and delusional portrayal of an unraveling love affair, set to the full album. White Widow will be performing the soundtrack live at Public Assembly on July 17th (Advance tickets are $10)
A couple of years ago, the Wall Street Journal described Patullo’s music as "angst-drenched indie rock that ranges from bombastic to intimate, occasionally within the same song". This is much better description of White Widow’s music than I came up with as I was going to make a comparison to a ‘gothic Tori Amos’ crossed with Stevie Nicks. Like Amos, Patullo’s music is emotive – the difference is that Patullo’s songs don’t just rely on raw vocals (like a number of Amos’ songs) to hit the listener’s emotions but are rather multi-layered, lush “full band” pieces.
There is enough variation between the songs to keep the music fresh and listener engaged - songs range from the rawly emotive “Serial Love Affair” to the soaring Salvationist “Something About Paradise” to the 80’s rock number “Trophy Girl”. There are also two instrumental interludes on the disc which help build the overall mood of the disc and this is complemented by the addition of cello, strings, piano and keys to the standard rock instrumentation.
This is a moody, relentless and powerful disc that holds up well to repeated listens.
White Widow